Monday, August 10, 2009

Major Issues Report

The people of the United States are being bombarded with one crisis after another crisis (and we wouldn't want a good crisis to go to waste). I have tried to break down into 10 categories where major concerns exists today and have not reached their peak impact on our lives; otherwise these concerns will become increasingly distressing in the coming months.
They are:
1. National economic condition.
2. National politics
3. Cultural impact on religion.
4. Health care/socialized medicine.
5. Environmental issues.
6. Taxes.
7. Terrorism and the war effort.
8. Illegal immigration.
9. Globalization
10. World politics.
Not all of these issues will be addressed at one time; rather only when something major is increasing their impact on our lives. The issue today is our economy and what we can look forward to in the coming months. The stock market has been on a unprecedented rebound in a very short period of time and as a result you can expect a sharp correction before the end of the year. The market has rebounded 30% from its lows earlier this years. This sound good except that it has happened in a historically short period of time.
The pressure on the market will come from continued government spending and our inability to sell our debt. If the Fed decides to buy up our own debt; i.e. print money to pay what we are borrowing you can expect the market to correct drastically, possibly to historic lows. This could possibly, and most probably will, trigger hyper-inflation which will continue to devalue the dollar causing even higher prices.
Also look for the price of food to increase sharply as the cost of sugar skyrockets out of sight. Major sugar producing countries are experiencing unprecedented droughts.
Look for a correction of the July unemployment figures. Skandalon does not believe these will hold up and that unemployment will increase sharply and exceed 10% long before the end of the year. The only good news here is that higher unemployment may, I repeat, may hold down oil prices as demands continues to decrease. The deciding issue here will be the value of the dollar on the world market.
Economically the situation doesn't look good; but this just may be the trigger that will wake America up and throw the bums that are causing this out on the street.

Have A Great Day

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Barack Hussein Oscama

All great nations have had two things in common; accessible natural resources and an abundant supply of cheap energy. In an ideal situation energy would be plentiful and free; that’s right, I said free. Realistically,  unless you have an oil well and a refinery in your backyard you are going to have to pay for the delivery of your energy source. The best scenario then becomes a situation where the government ensures safe use and delivery and at the same time not hamstringing the process to point that it becomes untenable. We need safe delivery controls but at the same time promotion of competition that allows the market forces of supply and demand control the price to user. This is not rocket science and the typical end user understands enough of this process to know when it is working and when it is not and whether or not it is being allowed to work like it should.  This brings us up to our current situation; to say the least, which is deteriorating into a mess that will make the early 70’s seem like a time of plenty.

Here are the facts that smart people know to be true; i.e. people who are not being lead astray by media hype, political correctness, pseudo-science, and politicians that have only their own interest at heart:

1.       Man-made global warming is a ruse perpetrated by the eco-freaks. Environmentalism is a religion for these goof-balls.

2.       The global warming scam is being use by politicians to create a crisis that is being used to promote an agenda that is anti-capitalistic.

3.       Cap and trade is nothing more than a tax scam. Corporations do not pay taxes; those cost are always passed on to the end user, you and me.

4.       Consumption is not a problem; it is rigorously controlled by supply and demand. Today’s problems are solved by tomorrow’s technology.

5.       People like T. Boone Pickens and corporations like GE are using financial influence to drive our elected officials to pass legislation that will make them rich.  Don’t be fooled by GE’s current fiscal problems; once “CAP and Con” is passed they will make billions. If you think Cap and Con will pass you should be buying GE stock.

6.       Alternative “green” energy will not sustain our economy. It is not working in countries like France and Germany and it will not work here.  Don’t take my word for this; there is plenty of accurate information to inform you of the truth of just how problematic wind and other “high-tech”  “low results” energies are.

7.       Our government, and the current administration in particular, is intentionally destroying the private sector. Their goal is socialism with a fanatical appetite for limiting your freedom and controlling your life. The way they are doing this is by creating a energy crisis that will have you begging for enough gas to get to work and enough electricity to keep your milk fresh. The trade off that you will be forced to make will be the sacrifice of personal freedom.


Our energy fiasco has gone from unthinkable to probably and now is an almost certainty. The Obama administration is doing everything possible to control every segment of our society by limiting your access to affordable energy. Worse-case scenarios are no longer crackpot thinking; Animal farm and 1984 are becoming a reality.  Again, don’t believe me, do your own homework and read while you still have a chance to read the truth.  Review the following below taken from “A "None of the Above" Approach to Energy Policy”  by Lee Lukof.  Check him out and see if he is telling the truth; I have and the picture he paints is not pretty.  After you have read it if you think Obama has your best interest at heart, re-read the line above that starts “Here are the facts….”


Nuclear:  The first budget of the new Administration cut funding for the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Depository, making it nearly impossible for the United States to expand nuclear energy production, a necessary precondition if we want to promote a low-carbon energy regime.

Offshore Drilling: The Department of the Interior decided to make an inefficient and bureaucratic offshore drilling permitting process even more inefficient and bureaucratic. The Obama administration ordered the Department of the Interior to delay permitting for offshore oil operations, effectively halting American energy production through government red tape.

Oil Shale: Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has halted research, development, and demonstration leases for energy entrepreneurs who were hoping to develop oil shale reserves in Utah and Colorado.

Hydrogen Fuel Cells: Energy Secretary Steven Chu has proposed cutting off all funding for hydrogen fuel cell research and development despite the fact that General Motors., Daimler AG, Toyota and Honda are on the verge of developing hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles that have been touted as an innovative energy solution that will help reduce auto emissions.

Cap & Trade: The House of Representatives has decided to make energy more expensive by passing a cap & trade program that could cause the United States to lose 9.4 trillion dollars worth of GDP from 2012 to 2035 and could cost the United States nearly 400,000 jobs every year on average.

Citizens across the country must be wondering, why are Washington politicians so out of touch? Who would willingly support policies that will lead to higher energy taxes, increased energy prices, and a continued dependence on foreign oil?


You can read his entire article at


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