Rationally success is leading a free people, not leading in the “Dump” of the apathetic, poor and enslaved. Unfortunately the later seems to be the position of choice.
Dump Living
Over time societies and cultures undergo changes by electing new leaders with new ideas; sometimes for the good, sometimes for the worst and sometimes just for the sake of change. As a governed people we reap the rewards for the good decisions and we suffer the consequences of the bad decisions. The notables for leaders who have made poor decisions have been T. Roosevelt, Wilson, F.D. Roosevelt, Nixon, Carter, Clinton, Bush, and Obama. What the poor decisions were is not applicable to our discussion, it is only necessary to understand that some of the ideas that they carried forward have eroded our constitution and freedoms.
The abuse and misuse of power follows a pattern. They misuse, we lose; misuse breads abuse, we lose more and in final desperation we demand that government takes ultimate control to lessen the chaos. In our apathy we fail to see the contempt that our Kings have for the constitution, for our Judeo-Christian values, and for a free people living in a republic. When we fail to realize the nature of man and the degree of derision that our politicians have for us, we suffer the consequences of that contempt. Our unwillingness to take responsibility for our lives makes us the source of our own despair. We have been convinced by our officials, and a bias media, that the only way to move forward is to continue to elect people who say they present a consistent and organized response to the chaos that they created.
In the morass of cultural decline we see these people as “spiritual leaders” and not as servants of the common good; thus their service is to themselves and not to the people who elected them. Our enthusiasm in seeking “spiritual leadership” is wrong minded. We look to and demand from government things that it was never intended to deliver. Spirituality should come from faith.
When our government is short on answers, we looked to other nations for solutions. We first looked to Germany and people like Immanuel Kant which lead to German Idealism with it the philosophies of Hegel and Marx. Post World War II our institutions garnered leadership from the “Frankfurt School” of philosophy. If you throw into this mix notables like Darwin and biological evolution, John Maynard Keynes and government back economic optimism, John Dewey and outcome based education, and Sigmund Freud who promoted the ideas that self-esteem and sexual determinism has greater value than self-achievement, you then have a formula for a social disaster funded through a corrupt government.
Our need to be like other nations is reckless and without merit because of their failures. As a result we have allowed men without conscience to dictate change that we didn’t take the time to understand. What we have forgotten is that the strength of our nation has been that we are unlike the other nations.
Dump Kings
Working from the presupposition that our country has rejected our Judeo-Christian values has lead to an unnecessary intrusion into our relationships between God and country, and a free people and the constitution. It is those values and principles that have made us stronger as a country; with the world’s leading economy, strongest military, and still the freest of peoples.
New Kings have rejected our values and traditions understanding that “if you believe in nothing you will fall for anything.” The values that we did hold have now become politically incorrect; euphuism for Marxist speech and thought control. Our Kings have done this through the abuse of the educational process.
Next, our King will want to take our finest to serve his cause. The Kings tried to do this through the military, but our military is too entrenched in “esprit de corps” and has not given in to a Commander and Chief that wants to oppress the people. One King tried to take our finest via the Peace Corps. It was a failure but did serve as a precedent for future Kings. Today’s King would like to use a youth corps trained and indoctrinated in camps. R.F. Youngblood writes, “By nature royalty is parasitic rather than giving, and Kings are never satisfied with the worst.”
Kings place people in authority who take our resources by limiting our right to own and keep property. They launch punitive taxes leaving us little and using our resources to provide mechanisms for the Kings to reinforce their armies, secret police, luxurious lifestyles, and to support the dupes that swear allegiance to their authoritarian rule, all with our dollars.
You will be left with nothing, not even the right to cry foul. There have been many who have warned us not to make the same mistakes; yet we do not listen. This is not a new ideology; yet throughout history many have fallen into the clutches of those whose only purpose in life is to be the King of The Dump. Our country stands on the precipice of our last denial, that the King is ready to take the throne. Do we have the fortitude to say he can’t take our best, he can’t take our resources, and he can’t take our freedoms?
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