Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Koran Teaches What?

District court judge Miriam Goldman sentenced jihadist Shahzad for his failed attempt to blow up time square. After giving the sentence she said something very interesting to Shahzad, she hoped that he “will spend lots of time in prison thinking if the Koran wants you to kill people.” Thanks judge for sentencing this bum to life in prison, personally I think they should have blown him to kingdom come by strapping a bomb around his neck; but the judge did the best she could do in times like these when justice will only be decided in the next life and never in this life. But that was not the interesting part of the trial, that was what we expected. What was interesting was that comment about how he should spend his time.
What I want to tell the judge is simple and to the point. Shahzad knows the Koran backwards and forwards; he know what it says and he knows what it means and his intent was to live by what it says, “kill the infidel.” Does the judge really think that Shahzad will gain new insights in how to get along with his fellow man by continuing his studies in the Koran? Does she feel that deep down inside of Shahzad there is the heart of a good man and if he will reflect on the Koran that one day he will see the light? I don’t know the judge; but I can tell you this, she doesn’t think for one minute that Shahzad will ever be a changed man; she thinks, and he will continue to be, a simple minded brainwashed jihadist terrorist the rest of his life. Any reasonable person can only come to that conclusion. So, why did the judge say what she said?
There can only be three possibilities; she is not a reasonable person and doesn’t see Shahzad for what he really is, or she is being politically correct hoping not to offend Muslims by putting this creep away, or she is totally clueless about what the Koran and Islam is all about. You can decide for yourself; but personally I think she is a lot of all three. If you don’t agree with me that she was confused by all three possibilities, then there is only one conclusion you can come to; she is totally clueless concerning Muslims and the Koran. She has no idea that the Koran explicitly teaches that Islam is to dominate by any means possible even if it means to KILL THE INFIDEL; which is exactly what Shahzad intended to do.
Judge listen to me now, Shahzad needs to get in touch with the true God of the universe, he needs to seek forgiveness of his sins, he needs to recognize his need for a savior that can bring about salvation and not one that promises 72 virgins for an eternal life of sex. Shahzad needs to come to grips with who he really is before it is too late; otherwise he will come before the ultimate justice system and be condemned to an eternity of hell; a hell much worse than the hell he intended for his victims.

Have A Great Day

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