Tuesday, November 30, 2010

From The Heart of A Patriot

Today Obama had a meeting with the congressional leadership from both parties; the incoming Republicans/Tea Partiers and the outgoing Democrats. The gist of the meeting was to find common ground that both sides of the isle could work from during the lam-duck session. There was a lot of pre-emptive talk about the need to be respectful and to get the people’s work done.  There were words being spoken about bi-partisanship and the need to solve the issues at hand.  Tops on the agenda was the movement by Obama to increase the Bush tax rates (notice I did not call them Bush tax cuts; they have been in effect so long that they are now the tax rates and any efforts by Obama to change that is a tax increase not merely letting the Bush tax cuts run out). Secondly, although it is not being reported much, were issues like card-check, cap and trade, and what to do about the illegal aliens living inside our borders. With all this important stuff to talk about I wonder if we will be able to find common ground and play “nicety-nice?” I CERTAINLY HOPE NOT!          
Do you want to get along with him? I don't!
We did not vote a change in Washington so that we could get along with ignorant left. We sent  people there not expecting them to get along with the Washington establishment. I want to see “in your face politics” that demands a change that puts this country back to the values and morals that it was founded on. When George Washington cross the Delaware he was not looking for someone to hug, kiss and make nice to; he was looking to kill someone, he was looking for a way to through the bums out. Not that I am not advocating murder; but it is time to demand that the wishes of the people be heard and if the lefties don’t like it, tough! I don’t like them, they are a bunch of crooks and personally I don’t want to have anything to do with them and a Politician with any principles at all will not either.   
I am sending this to every newly elected congressman hoping that he/she will get the message that we did not send you there to join the club; we sent you there to kill health-care bill, to kill cap and trade, to kill card check and to stop all of this bailout BS. Also, while you are at it we the people want all the illegal aliens sent back to their home countries and the border closed.  We also want Muslim immigration stopped until every last terrorist is dead; nothing personal but until the so called peace loving moderate Muslims take up arms in defense of America they just don’t belong here.
Once again I want to make myself perfectly clear; you are not there to get along with Obama, Pelosi, Reid, or any other liberal. You are there to promote conservative values, period! Is that clear enough?

Saturday, November 27, 2010


While talking with a group of conservative friends the question came up about the qualifications of Sarah Palin. For the most part everyone seemed to like Palin as a person and thought, for the most part, that her beliefs were in line with theirs. But when the questions of Palin’s qualifications to be president were raised, without exception, including myself, the prevailing thoughts were that she did not have enough “gravitas.”  When asked what they meant by gravitas no one had a definitive and knowledgeable answers. Most thought in her instance she did not look presidential enough; that her voice, her hair, the way she dresses, and her body language was not presidential and would cost her the election.

The word “gravitas” actually means, “a serious and solemn attitude or way of behaving.” Let’s put that into context with Palin and her beliefs by asking a couple of questions. First, is there anyone who does not doubt that Palin is serious about the conservative movement. Although her record is short, she was deadly serious about conservatism as Alaska’s governor. She moved in our both Republicans and Democrats who were part of the “good-ole-boy’s club and begin to do things differently; it is no wonder she has been attacked from both sides of the isle.

Secondly, if Palin has so little gravitas, why is the left so afraid of her? They have done everything they can to destroy her as a person and as a politician; yet they have failed miserably. So far her behavior has been above reproach; they can’t catch her doing anything that brings her shame. Should it not be said that she is so serious about her beliefs that she is willing to live them? Does someone lack gravitas because they live the way they talk? Isn’t there an old cliché that says a person of integrity “walks his/her talk?”

Lastly, and certainly not the least is that Palin is a person that intends to do what she says she will do, and she has the gonads to get it done. If getting it done lacks gravitas then I am not sure gravitas is what we are looking for.

Now, let’s make a quick comparison of our current president, BHO, to Palin. The world said he had gravitas and they were right, he can read a teleprompter better than anyone who has come before. He is seriously left, to the point that he has been rightly called a Marxist. As a characteristic Marxist he has lied when telling the truth would have been easier.  If being a Marxist gives you gravitas then I don’t want any. Physically he is tall, lean and dresses well; unfortunately he is short on values, fat on pride and clothes himself in narcissism. If you are not sure that he has gravitas, just ask him; he is so full of himself that he will bend your ear a good hour telling you how great he is.

As for me and my household we will stick with the ones who have Godly values and to hell with manmade gravitas. I never like the word gravitas anyway; it has always been a word used by the left to discredit anyone with sense of values who was willing to live a life that demonstrated man at his very best.

So the next time you hear someone disparage Sarah Palin ask them this question; “Washington is loaded down with gravitas, don’t you think it is time we loaded it up with TRUTH?”


Friday, November 26, 2010

Helpless and Indolent

North Korea blatantly attacks the south because the pencil headed dictator’s son wants to show that he is going to be the new pencil headed dictator and the world had better be careful or he will do something naughty. To prove that his “mojo” is active and well he sends a barrage of shells to a little known island in the south killing at least 4 people, injuring several others, and destroying homes and businesses. In the meantime the world stands by helpless and indolent, unable to do anything that will permanently stop this lunatic regime from doing it again and again.

Our next move in defense of our ally, South Korea,  is to have a joint drill of naval ships in the Yellow Sea. Wow; I am really scared to death about this. An exercise, a drill? This is the best we can do? There must be something with more “juice” behind it? Oh, I know what we should do; let’s go to the UN and get a resolution started, that will solve everything. I mean, the world knows that once the UN says that what you are doing is a no no; everybody gets all worried and starts to react with a sense of urgency.  Just look at how effective UN resolutions have been with Iran.

The headlines this morning are, “N Korea warns war drills take region to the brink of war.” Duh; I thought that it was their shelling of some little insignificant island that was bringing us to the brink of war; maybe I misunderstood what the cannon fire was all about; was it just a friendly “how do you do” that just got a little out of hand? Can you believe they have the audacity to warn the world that we are being reckless and are inching closer to war; that our plans to stage military exercises in the Yellow Sea are the cause of this. Someone needs to get a grip on reality.

But never fear, the US is on the front lines ready to take action. General Sharp, at the UN Command center, said, “make no mistake, this was clear violation of the 1953 armistice.”  Wow! I am glad we had that explanation; I mean I was really confused about what was going on till I heard that. And then there was Japan’s response, their parliament adopted a resolution calling the attack “an outrageous act of violence.” Let’s be clear here; It wasn’t just an act of violence, nor was it just a bad thing to do, it was “outrageous.” I’ll bet old Kimey Il wet his pants with fear when he heard that one.

Of course our great friend and ally, China, has not apportioned blame over Tuesday incident, and is urging both sides to show restraint. But, our guy has talked to China’s guy and has urged China to use its influence to calm the situation. Isn’t it great to have friends like China; they are there right on the front line protecting the world from another little inconvenient war. At this point who needs another war? After all, a few more lives, a lot more money; whose counting anyway?

Wake up world! People are dying, lives are being destroyed, and all you can do is talk! I’ll just bet that the dead people on that little island would be proud to know that the world is ready to make another resolution; that the world is ready to stand in the gap to protect the innocent and those who are unable to defend themselves. I can see their shinning little faces, smiling with thanksgiving that the UN, Japan, China, and US are “rattling their tongues” in defense.  Wait a minute, isn’t the cliché supposed to be “rattling their sabers?”

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Who Are The Lefties

Recent polling tells us that about 30% of the electorate are Democrats (lefties), about 30% are Republicans, and about 40% claim to be independents or nothing. Different polling tells us that only about 10% of the population are those who hold to a true leftist ideology. So who are the rest of those that make up the Democratic party if they are not true left leaning liberals? Why do they vote Democratic? Do they really subscribe to liberal values (sorry, I know liberals don’t have any values but I couldn’t think of a different word; maybe ideals would have been a better word since values implies right and good)? Can we put these people into a sub-group that identifies who they are?  I am sure you know someone who consistently votes with a liberal bias; therefore when you read what becomes visible as the motivation to support the liberal agenda, compare it to the liberals you know and see for yourself if what I say is not true. Then if you think it is true hand a copy of this to a liberal and run for your life.

First of all they (the lemmings of the world) are basically discontented; lemmings truly believe that life is inequitable and that anyone who has more things than they have has taken advantage of the capitalist economic system and therefore taken disadvantage them.  The left uses this despondency to their benefit by propagating the morality of class envy.  Class envy is divisive and if taken to its full expression will destroy a culture. The French revolution is a important example of class envy in action. They murdered many who were not part of the elite abusive ruling class, only because they had worked hard and had improve their life. The discontentment of the lemmings morphs into the rule that if I don’t have it, no one can have it.

Secondly, the discontent of the lemmings becomes an ”I am entitled mentality;” hence welfare. Those who are not truly left liberals but vote that way are for the most part people who want something for nothing. If you believe that the world has taken advantage of your laziness, then you will naturally feel that that same world owes you something; i.e. the fruits of its hard labor. A good example of that is Obama-care. When the lemmings thought it was free, i.e. paid for by hard workers through higher taxes, they were happy and looking forward to this great new entitlement; but now that they know everyone will have to pay a premium or be fined $3K it is not so good. Otherwise when something for nothing cost me personally I don’t like it because I have the right to it even if I have not earned it.

Third, lemmings are vicious in their attacks of anyone who does not concur with them; they will even eat their own if they don’t hold the line. The next time you tell a voting Democrat that healthcare is not a constitutional right stand back and take note to the expletives and personal attacks you will receive. You will be called uncaring, intolerant, greedy, a dirty capitalist, and a whole list of anything they can think of in the way of a demeaning personal attack.  They will refuse to argue the issues and facts; the reason being they don’t know the issues or the facts. This is the most telling trait of the lemmings, they don’t know the facts because they are ignorant of the facts. The problem is not that they are stupid; rather they are ignorant because they are too indolent to discern for themselves and they go behind the pack by listening to the propaganda put out by the left media. They believe the propaganda because the misinformation is always built around the lie that the conservative right is out to get you. Don’t believe me; just listen to CNN or MSNBC for one evening and keep track of how many times they use the straw man that the right is taking something away from the lemmings, i.e. social security or Medicare etc.  

Forth, the lemmings are convinced of their own integrity; they have bought into the idea that man is basically good and that any little thing they do will make the world a better place. They are the people who drive battery powered cars because they think it has a carbon free footprint, all the while forgetting that the electricity to charged the batteries comes from a coal fired power plant. They are the lemmings that  picket to save the whales and at the same time insist on abortion on demand for human babies. They are the lemmings who believe it is not what good that is completed, but what good we want to be accomplished; the notion that it is what we think and talk about that is important, not what we actually achieve.

We could go on with describing who these people are; but the bottom line is this, they are lemmings, little rodents that can’t think for themselves and willingly run off the cliff with no comprehension of what they are doing. Paraphrasing the words of Lenin, “we need the ignorant lemmings because they keep us in power.”

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Fact of the Matter Is


There are six words in a certain order that need to be removed from the English language; or at least removed from the repartee of the lefties, all politicians, and the liberal media is, “The fact of the matter is,” or “The truth of the matter is.”  The fact of the matter is this is the most over used headliner that comes out of the mouth of those who think they are in the know, and it should be condemned with the penalty being death for anyone who would be so impudent as to use it.  Let me explain.

First and foremost is the fact that whenever this phrase is used there is neither truth or facts that are going to be referred to.  Be honest, when is the last time you heard a fact following that statement? When is the last time you were sure that you heard the truth just because some nipple headed politician preference his words with “the fact of the matter is?” Least we feel stupid, you can be sure that whenever some pundit on TV says those six magical words he is expecting you to believe what he says, “hook line and sinker.”  The audacity of my hope would be that those elitist snobs would keep their mouth shut; or just tell the truth for a change. Their credibility is so suspect that they feel they must start their lie with the lie, “the fact of the matter is,” as if one lie plus another lie equals the truth. The truth of the matter is, if they were required to tell the truth or not be allowed to speak, TV would become the “silent movies.”

Secondly, what they are really saying when they use that damnable phrase is,  “you are so stupid that you will believe anything that I tell because you know I am so very smart.” Question Mr. Elitist Snob, if you are so darn smart why is it that you use “the fact of the matter is” so redundantly (for you snubs, redundantly means to use so repetitively to the point of it being a nuance)? How can a Harvard graduate be so simple minded that he/she can’t come up with a new opener; something like, “I am a liar, but you should believe me anyway.”  Or how about this opener, “I have lied so much in the past that I am no longer sure what the truth is, please give me one more chance to get it right, pretty please.”

Lastly, where is the TV host when these lying snubs open their mouth? When are they going to hold them accountable for their lying? Could it possibly be that they are party to this lack of discretion? Or could it be that they haven’t done their homework and they really don’t know when one of these phonies are lying? If that be the truth of the matter, then at least they could say this, “liar liar pants on fire, nose is long as a telephone wire.” If they would at least do this then we poor stupid masses would know that a lie is coming; after all, the fact of the matter is,  we are not smart enough to know the difference ourselves; are we?

The fact of the matter is, if you pass this on maybe some sweet day in the future one of these nipple heads will read this and change his openers, or maybe even tell the truth; forget that, you and I both know that will never happen. Is that the truth of the matter or the fact of the matter? Oh well.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Joe Friday the Competition

The world is collapsing, the economy is in a disaster, freedom is at peril, Christianity is being attacked everywhere, anti-Semitism is on the rise, Islam is on a perpetual Jihad, healthcare is facing its biggest crisis ever and all the media pundits can talk about is themselves and how dim-witted the competition is on the other channel; I am confused. I thought I was listening to news programming to learn about the world and not about the reporters.
I listen in a lot to Limbaugh, Beck, and O’Reily on a regular basis and agree with them occasionally if not most of the time; but over the last two or three years their programming has denigrated into arguing and bashing their competition as if the news is about them and the news organizations and not about the news makers, i.e. presidents, congressmen, and financial moguls like George Soros. Enough is enough already, you guys are not the news, you don’t write legislation, you don’t vote on legislation, you don’t make policy, all you are supposed to do is report on what the power brokers are doing.
I appreciate your analysis; but I don’t give a whit about your opinion.  Tell me what is going on and the implication, not what you would like to see ensue and how breathtaking the world would be if only it thought like you.
You guys have become specialist at riling against one another; but that is not what the poor ignorant masses want you to do, we want you to hold the politicians feet to the fire; make them accountable in the public debate for what they say, and most importantly, for what they do. I have to admit that MSNBC, CNN, and the “lame-stream” media are the worst at attacking their competition, the right-wing media; but look at their ratings, no one is listening to them, they have moved into the never-never world of absurdity. No one cares what they believe. Chris Matthews and his ilk are a non-entity. I stopped listening to Hard-ball 10 years ago and I am only acquainted with what happens on his program when you detail it. Do you think that by improving his ratings that you perk up your own? I don’t think so!
Like I said earlier, I am confused. Think of this, the New York Times is not the paper of record anymore, their readership is down drastically, their people are notorious leftist and they only write from their perverted moral views, so why give them the time of day, they don’t merit your time or mine. Please, “Just the facts, Just the facts sir.”

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Power of a Lie

I use to have a boss who said, “Some lie when telling the truth is easier.” The problem with a liar is that after he tells the lie so often he begins to believe it himself. He forgets what the truth looks like and begins to believe his own lie. The irony of a liar is that in his own deciet he begins to look at everyone else as being a deceiver as well; i.e. he sees the guilt of his own failings in every relationship he is involved in; if I am a liar then everyone else must be a liar also. It is interesting to note that one of our greatest liars of the modern era, FDR, said, “repetition does not transform a lie into a truth.” It is amazing how well FDR understood the folly of deciet, but was so greatly versed in it himself as he touted the wisdom of his policies. Lenin took the opposite view of lies when he said, “a lie told often enough becomes the truth.

Just how prevelant is lying in our modern political scene? Does anyone think that our current cadre of politicains would dare lie to their constituents? Heaven forbid that our estemed leaders would ever lie. Forget that nonsense; ever since Bill Clinton came into the lime-light lying has become a unashamed art form that is not only prevalent but thought to be a good practice if it gains the intended means. Our current president and his administration as a group are professional liars; it began with “Change you can count on” and it will not end until he has convinced the uninformed masses that he is the “messiah.” In contrast the problem the media had with Obama’s predecessor was that he wasn’t a good liar. Jerome K. Jerome said, “it is always the best policy to speak the truth-unless, of course, you are an exceptinally good liar.” President Bush’s dilemma was that he always told the truth as he knew it no matter how bad it hurt; as if that could be a problem.

It is a well know fact that the left sees the poor stupid ignorant masses as someone who “can’t stand the truth” and must be lied to so that we will accept their “better ideas” on how to spend our money and control our lives. The paradox is that when they are caught in a lie, they then perpetrate another lie to cover the first lie and then they begin to believe that lie just as they now believed the first lie (I intentionly over used the word “lie” because they lie so often). The best example of this currently are the lies they are trying to pull off as to why they lost the House. The lie told has been anything but the truth. The most used lie has been that they were poor at getting the word out as to how good a job they were doing. That was followed by the lie that we just didn’t understand what they were doing. That lie is a continuation of Pelosi’s lie that we wouldn’t know how good Obamacare was until it was passed and signed. WOW! That was a whopper of a lie. Rush Limbaugh reported today that AOL’s religious reporter says the reason they lost the House was because our great religious leader, Obama, didn’t do a good enough job of sharing his faith with the Christian left (maybe he should have said religious left, I don’t think you can be a christian and be on the left, the two are in conflict to each other) and conservative Christians. I hasitate to explain the folly of this lie because I don’t want to insult your intelligence. However, the first lie here is that Obama is a Christian; he is not, he subscribs to Black Liberation Theology and that has no corolation with true Christianity. Second lie is that there are Christians on the left, you cannot be Christian and be a committed leftist, again I say this because they are in total opposition to one another; e.g. the left makes the claim that lying is ok if it brings about the desired ends, Christians don’t subscrib to lying for any reason. Of course the loss of the House by the Democrats has nothing to do with Obama’s faith or his willingness or unwillingness to reach out to Christians. Plato explains the lefts problem with lying and faith when he said this, “false words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil.”

Reasonable thinking people know exactly why the Dems lost the House; the policies of Obama, Pelosi, and Reid were not in the interest of the American people. Their policies are socialistic and go against everything that liberty loving people everywhere embrace. The simple truth is no one wanted Obamacare, no one wanted restrictive financial regulations and no one wanted to be lied to about what the Dems are up to.

Sallust (34 BC) in the “The War with Catiline” wrote this, “Ambition drove many men to become false; to have one thougth locked in the breast, another ready on the tongue.”





Saturday, November 6, 2010

More Than Meets the Eye

This weekend 2 oil tankers were released by the Somali pirates for a ransom of $12 million; the crews are reported to be unharmed. That is the good news, here is the bad news; there are 25 more tankers being held by them for ransom. Now that the pirates know they get huge sums of money there will be longer negotiations for the ships that they already have and you can expect more pirating in the future.  All this means that the price of oil and gasoline will be rising and this is not good news since speculation and the devaluation of the dollar has already started to raise the price.  Expect to be paying $3 per gallon for gasoline by Christmas.

But there must be more to the story than what we hear in the press; the pirates are ignorant low life and there is no way that they can be doing this without backing from someone we haven’t heard about. So, I have 5 questions that need to be answered in regard to this:
1.      Where does a group of low-life ignoramuses get the where-with-all to do this? The planning and equipment just doesn’t grow on the local coconut tree; someone big must be driving this.
2.      Why is this happening? Is it an attempt to drive the price of oil up; or is it raising funds for something more sinister?
3.      If it is to increase the cost of oil, who is doing it?  Iran, Russia or some behind the scene mogul like George Soros? If it is for the purpose of raising money, again we must ask who and for what purpose?  Could this finance some sort of horrible terror plot?
4.      If it is only the low-life out there on their own then why doesn’t some country or group of countries put a stop to this?  The US has a presence there but the rules of engagement are so restrictive that the US Navy is totally incapable of putting a stop to this.
5.      If it is much more than the low-life why isn’t the UN and the International Court bringing charges and making arrest?

Don’t hold your breath waiting for reasonable answers to these questions.  Something is obviously going on and no one who is in the know is willing to step up the plate and point a finger. No one is going to stop this as long as the power brokers are making money by letting it happen. Or Is this some sort of black on white crime which is being rationalized as wealth-sharing? Who knows the real answer; but I can assure you that there is more here than meets the eye.

Have A Great Day

Monday, November 1, 2010

The New Liberal Mantra

Wednesday morning when you wake up there will be a new conservative congress; the conservatives will pick up 70 seats (my estimation) in the house and 9 seats in the senate. The question is why did this happen? The next question is how will the liberals (politicians and lame-steam media) spin this?
In anticipation of what is about to happen the liberals are already out saying that it is “the economy stupid.” They claim they lost the mid terms because the economy that was inherited from Bush and it is so bad that we can’t pull it out in just 18 months; it is not our fault they say; but the voters are so dumb that they just didn’t know any better.  That will be the liberal mantra; get ready for it.
Now, the real cause.  First on the agenda for sane thinking people has been the socialistic programs that Obama has been pushing. Americans like their freedom and can find no place in their lives for socialism.  It started with the bail-outs and ended with Obama-care. This was a big government take-over and the people don’t like it. Obama has taken over the financial markets, auto industry and healthcare. Not one of his takeovers was designed to help the economy or the American people; they were designed to destroy the economy and American exceptionalism. Obama is an America hater; he hates America because of his perceived idea that America is not just and he intends to bring social justice to our shores. The bottom line is not to improve the economy but to destroy it bringing the people to their knees begging for just the right socialist to bail us out.
So, the mantra Wednesday morning will be the poor stupid idiots that voted for the conservatives just don’t understand that it is not Obama’s fault that unemployment is 9.6% (the real unemployment is 17%+) and that things will turn around when and only when we believe in Obama and put our trust in him.
But you are informed and know that the vote was against Obama and his policy of turning America into what he believes could be a socialistic utopia. When you voted Tuesday you said no socialism, communism, Obama, Reid, and Pelosi.  It is now our job and responsibility to hold those we put into office accountable for what they do.