Saturday, November 27, 2010


While talking with a group of conservative friends the question came up about the qualifications of Sarah Palin. For the most part everyone seemed to like Palin as a person and thought, for the most part, that her beliefs were in line with theirs. But when the questions of Palin’s qualifications to be president were raised, without exception, including myself, the prevailing thoughts were that she did not have enough “gravitas.”  When asked what they meant by gravitas no one had a definitive and knowledgeable answers. Most thought in her instance she did not look presidential enough; that her voice, her hair, the way she dresses, and her body language was not presidential and would cost her the election.

The word “gravitas” actually means, “a serious and solemn attitude or way of behaving.” Let’s put that into context with Palin and her beliefs by asking a couple of questions. First, is there anyone who does not doubt that Palin is serious about the conservative movement. Although her record is short, she was deadly serious about conservatism as Alaska’s governor. She moved in our both Republicans and Democrats who were part of the “good-ole-boy’s club and begin to do things differently; it is no wonder she has been attacked from both sides of the isle.

Secondly, if Palin has so little gravitas, why is the left so afraid of her? They have done everything they can to destroy her as a person and as a politician; yet they have failed miserably. So far her behavior has been above reproach; they can’t catch her doing anything that brings her shame. Should it not be said that she is so serious about her beliefs that she is willing to live them? Does someone lack gravitas because they live the way they talk? Isn’t there an old cliché that says a person of integrity “walks his/her talk?”

Lastly, and certainly not the least is that Palin is a person that intends to do what she says she will do, and she has the gonads to get it done. If getting it done lacks gravitas then I am not sure gravitas is what we are looking for.

Now, let’s make a quick comparison of our current president, BHO, to Palin. The world said he had gravitas and they were right, he can read a teleprompter better than anyone who has come before. He is seriously left, to the point that he has been rightly called a Marxist. As a characteristic Marxist he has lied when telling the truth would have been easier.  If being a Marxist gives you gravitas then I don’t want any. Physically he is tall, lean and dresses well; unfortunately he is short on values, fat on pride and clothes himself in narcissism. If you are not sure that he has gravitas, just ask him; he is so full of himself that he will bend your ear a good hour telling you how great he is.

As for me and my household we will stick with the ones who have Godly values and to hell with manmade gravitas. I never like the word gravitas anyway; it has always been a word used by the left to discredit anyone with sense of values who was willing to live a life that demonstrated man at his very best.

So the next time you hear someone disparage Sarah Palin ask them this question; “Washington is loaded down with gravitas, don’t you think it is time we loaded it up with TRUTH?”


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