Joe Barton found it necessary to apologize to BP because of the presidential shakedown for $20 billion. Now the GOP is out there trying to get Barton to apologize for his apology.
Go figure that one; Obama walks on the edge or maybe even the wrong side of the law and constitution, Barton calls him out on it and the GOP demands that Barton apologize for his statements.
This is further proof that the GOP has lost its way and as a result I can no longer support it. I am happily sending Barton money to help in his campaign. I may even support other republicans who are running for office; but I will be very selective and will never again send monies to the national committee.
The GOP has become part of the politically correct elite class and has lost its right to solicit funds from conservatives.I am looking for Tea Party members and those of the Conservative Party who will say and do the right thing; they deserve our support. Those Republicans who are going after Barton need to be taught a lesson; the lesson of “we can’t support you if you don’t hold fast to what is right.”
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