Once again Colon Powell has shown us his true stripes by joining the liberal chorus of "Illegal Alien" lovers. He even went so far as to admit that he has illegal’s working on his property; however he did retract that statement the very next morning. Conservatives everywhere should demand an investigation into this illegal action and liberals everywhere should demand an apology since it is obvious that he used racial profiling in determining that the people working were "illegal aliens" and is now claiming that he didn't know for sure they were illegal; but they must have been illegal because they spoke TexMex and were brown skinned with brown eyes and dark hair; isn't that the characteristics that makes a person illegal? Is his stupidity really a significant problem for politicians/republicans? Absolutely not and here is why.
1. Colon Powell is a nobody that became somebody because he was the recipient of affirmative action. If he had been of any other color he would have gotten nowhere. He only hits the radar screen by his own choosing; no one is all that interested in watching him stick his foot in his mouth.
2. Conservatives everywhere should be rejoicing over his latest gaff; it only goes to prove he is a "Moderate RINO" meaning that he is a full flush liberal and is of no interest to anyone in conservative circles. Anytime the "lame stream" media is interested in a conservative the individual is neither conservative nor worthy of interest; so goes CP.
3. He is of no interest to the GOP unless you are a RINO. Only RINOs feel the need to snuggle up to the likes of CP. They are the Republicans that are still adhering to the "Big Tent" ideology that everyone should have a voice and is worthy to be listened to. There is no place for CP or anyone like him in the GOP if the GOP intends to regain status as a legitimate alternative to the liberal left. If M. Steele was truly concerned about conservatism coming back into power he would publically denounce CP and ask for his GOP id card returned.
4. CP publically backed Obama for president telling us that he either a liberal and thus a hypocrite; or he is a true racist and voted for Obama because he is black; or is Obama white, or, just what is Obama; I guess it depends on where he is and who he is speaking to. I know what you are thinking, this is a racist comment. Consider this; if I (being white) was a liberal and I voted for McCain because he is white I would be called a racist, right? Pardon me for not allowing you lefties the opportunity to have a double standard on this point.
5. Last but not least being clean cut and articulate does not make you a conservative, a Republican, or even a nice person. I don't know CP so I cannot honestly assess his personal character as to whether or not he is a nice person or a bad person (depending on how you define the terms). But I can say that he is a liberal and thus a RINO hypocrite. I can also say he is a racist and he proves that racism is alive and well among liberals and blacks; and that racism is not an exclusive fault among white conservative males.
How should conservatives respond to CP; ignore him, he is a nobody trying to find a new place in the sun. Good bye CP, please go back to your estate and watch over the work being done by your illegal’s. Just one more thought; I wonder, is CP paying SS taxes for the illegal’s he is hiring? Where is a good ICE officer when you need one?
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