Monday, January 10, 2011

Killing The Truth

Today the media is filled with pundits from the left trying to lay cause at the feet of various individuals and movements who are the right of center. They are totally ignoring the fact that this individuals was probably from the extreme left if not completely a-political.  The reality is that the shooter is a nut job; he either schizophrenic, a sociopath or both. As soon as the left figures out that laying the responsibility to those on the right will not work; they will begin the rhetoric of gun control as if guns kill people and not the idiot pulling the trigger.  If guns are responsible then where is the cry for making airplanes illegal; were they not the cause of 9/11? That is a stupid association and so is the feeble attempts to associate the shooter with Sarah Palin and the Tea Party.  So we come to the question; what are the underlying causes, what is it that drives someone to do this and more importantly what is it that allows it to be done?

The triple-crown of any successful culture is truth, virtue, and self-discipline. These are the foundation stones of a culture that has a worldview that leads a society to become exceptional, a society that guides the world into goodness, compassion, and liberty. It is these virtues that the left claims is fomenting the hate that leads people to shoot and kill. They would have us believe that truth, virtue, and self-discipline are root causes of hate and are the enemy of the state. Why do I say this? Let’s analyze.   

Truth to the left is relative; i.e. you find truth within yourself, thus truth for you may not be truth for me. This leave a culture without constructs to guide and bring purpose to lives of its populace. This young man was said to have a love for communism and totalitarian forms of government. His favorite writings are the Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf. In a society where truth is relative how can we condemn him for the beliefs that lead him to shoot? In a society where truth is relative who and what was there to teach him the context and the ultimate consequences of what he professes as a belief system? The answers are obvious; NO ONE! Where there are no absolute truths there is no accountability; where there is no accountability there is only chaos, confusion and anarchy.

Secondly, to the left virtue is silliness and for the feeble of mind. Ideals such as faithfulness, love, charity, hope, and kindness are to the left character flaws and must be overcome by the strong and dominate. But without virtue where is purpose in life? Without virtue how do we become responsible for those less fortunate? Without virtues where do we find the do’s and don’ts that control our actions; where do we go to define right from wrong? Unfortunately in our culture today the teaching of virtue is taboo. Instead of teaching little Johnny not to have sex outside of marriage we teach him how to properly wear a condom. Instead of teaching that our country was founded by men and women seeking religious freedom we teach that they were a vile group of aliens who came to destroy and conquer the Indians. We have become a culture where political correctness is the new and only appropriate virtue. As a result there are no virtues because political correctness is constantly changing from one day to the next.

Last, to the left the final element of the triple crown, self-discipline, is found only in those who are motivated by selfishness, greed, and the pursuit of personal pleasure. Humanism, materialism, secularism, and the pursuit of sexual gratification are the marks of individual excellence.  When these fail and leave a hole in our conscience we result to drugs and the occult to numb the psychological pain. When you have no sense of reality you have no need for self-discipline.

This is our culture and when we see the consequences we wring our hands and cry out who, why, how could this possible happen?  We look for someone to blame that stands in opposition to our personal agenda. We care little for the truth, we have no time self-reflection, we are unable to share grief and concern; our goal is to destroy the resistance, those who stand on the other side of the fence. Will we ever really know why he shot all those people; my guess is that we won’t, because we don’t want the truth, we can’t stand the truth, and never will we won’t stop and take the time to find it. Within  a few days we will move on to other issues on our personal agendas like gun control, speech control, and needed societal regulations that will prevent this from happening again. You can be assured that we won’t discover the truth, we won’t become more virtuous because this happened, and we won’t demand self-discipline and personal responsibility.  We have lost our way and no one has left any bread crumbs so we can find our way back.

But often, in the world's most crowded streets,
But often, in the din of strife,
There rises an unspeakable desire
After the knowledge of our buried life:
A thirst to spend our fire and restless force
In tracking out our true, original course;
A longing to inquire
Into the mystery of this heart which beats
So wild, so deep in us—to know
Whence our lives come and where they go.
Matthew Arnold, "The Buried Life"


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