Wednesday morning when you wake up there will be a new conservative congress; the conservatives will pick up 70 seats (my estimation) in the house and 9 seats in the senate. The question is why did this happen? The next question is how will the liberals (politicians and lame-steam media) spin this?
In anticipation of what is about to happen the liberals are already out saying that it is “the economy stupid.” They claim they lost the mid terms because the economy that was inherited from Bush and it is so bad that we can’t pull it out in just 18 months; it is not our fault they say; but the voters are so dumb that they just didn’t know any better. That will be the liberal mantra; get ready for it.
Now, the real cause. First on the agenda for sane thinking people has been the socialistic programs that Obama has been pushing. Americans like their freedom and can find no place in their lives for socialism. It started with the bail-outs and ended with Obama-care. This was a big government take-over and the people don’t like it. Obama has taken over the financial markets, auto industry and healthcare. Not one of his takeovers was designed to help the economy or the American people; they were designed to destroy the economy and American exceptionalism. Obama is an America hater; he hates America because of his perceived idea that America is not just and he intends to bring social justice to our shores. The bottom line is not to improve the economy but to destroy it bringing the people to their knees begging for just the right socialist to bail us out.
So, the mantra Wednesday morning will be the poor stupid idiots that voted for the conservatives just don’t understand that it is not Obama’s fault that unemployment is 9.6% (the real unemployment is 17%+) and that things will turn around when and only when we believe in Obama and put our trust in him.
But you are informed and know that the vote was against Obama and his policy of turning America into what he believes could be a socialistic utopia. When you voted Tuesday you said no socialism, communism, Obama, Reid, and Pelosi. It is now our job and responsibility to hold those we put into office accountable for what they do.