The world is collapsing, the economy is in a disaster, freedom is at peril, Christianity is being attacked everywhere, anti-Semitism is on the rise, Islam is on a perpetual Jihad, healthcare is facing its biggest crisis ever and all the media pundits can talk about is themselves and how dim-witted the competition is on the other channel; I am confused. I thought I was listening to news programming to learn about the world and not about the reporters.
I listen in a lot to Limbaugh, Beck, and O’Reily on a regular basis and agree with them occasionally if not most of the time; but over the last two or three years their programming has denigrated into arguing and bashing their competition as if the news is about them and the news organizations and not about the news makers, i.e. presidents, congressmen, and financial moguls like George Soros. Enough is enough already, you guys are not the news, you don’t write legislation, you don’t vote on legislation, you don’t make policy, all you are supposed to do is report on what the power brokers are doing.
I appreciate your analysis; but I don’t give a whit about your opinion. Tell me what is going on and the implication, not what you would like to see ensue and how breathtaking the world would be if only it thought like you.
You guys have become specialist at riling against one another; but that is not what the poor ignorant masses want you to do, we want you to hold the politicians feet to the fire; make them accountable in the public debate for what they say, and most importantly, for what they do. I have to admit that MSNBC, CNN, and the “lame-stream” media are the worst at attacking their competition, the right-wing media; but look at their ratings, no one is listening to them, they have moved into the never-never world of absurdity. No one cares what they believe. Chris Matthews and his ilk are a non-entity. I stopped listening to Hard-ball 10 years ago and I am only acquainted with what happens on his program when you detail it. Do you think that by improving his ratings that you perk up your own? I don’t think so!
Like I said earlier, I am confused. Think of this, the New York Times is not the paper of record anymore, their readership is down drastically, their people are notorious leftist and they only write from their perverted moral views, so why give them the time of day, they don’t merit your time or mine. Please, “Just the facts, Just the facts sir.”
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