Saturday, November 6, 2010

More Than Meets the Eye

This weekend 2 oil tankers were released by the Somali pirates for a ransom of $12 million; the crews are reported to be unharmed. That is the good news, here is the bad news; there are 25 more tankers being held by them for ransom. Now that the pirates know they get huge sums of money there will be longer negotiations for the ships that they already have and you can expect more pirating in the future.  All this means that the price of oil and gasoline will be rising and this is not good news since speculation and the devaluation of the dollar has already started to raise the price.  Expect to be paying $3 per gallon for gasoline by Christmas.

But there must be more to the story than what we hear in the press; the pirates are ignorant low life and there is no way that they can be doing this without backing from someone we haven’t heard about. So, I have 5 questions that need to be answered in regard to this:
1.      Where does a group of low-life ignoramuses get the where-with-all to do this? The planning and equipment just doesn’t grow on the local coconut tree; someone big must be driving this.
2.      Why is this happening? Is it an attempt to drive the price of oil up; or is it raising funds for something more sinister?
3.      If it is to increase the cost of oil, who is doing it?  Iran, Russia or some behind the scene mogul like George Soros? If it is for the purpose of raising money, again we must ask who and for what purpose?  Could this finance some sort of horrible terror plot?
4.      If it is only the low-life out there on their own then why doesn’t some country or group of countries put a stop to this?  The US has a presence there but the rules of engagement are so restrictive that the US Navy is totally incapable of putting a stop to this.
5.      If it is much more than the low-life why isn’t the UN and the International Court bringing charges and making arrest?

Don’t hold your breath waiting for reasonable answers to these questions.  Something is obviously going on and no one who is in the know is willing to step up the plate and point a finger. No one is going to stop this as long as the power brokers are making money by letting it happen. Or Is this some sort of black on white crime which is being rationalized as wealth-sharing? Who knows the real answer; but I can assure you that there is more here than meets the eye.

Have A Great Day

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