Today Obama had a meeting with the congressional leadership from both parties; the incoming Republicans/Tea Partiers and the outgoing Democrats. The gist of the meeting was to find common ground that both sides of the isle could work from during the lam-duck session. There was a lot of pre-emptive talk about the need to be respectful and to get the people’s work done. There were words being spoken about bi-partisanship and the need to solve the issues at hand. Tops on the agenda was the movement by Obama to increase the Bush tax rates (notice I did not call them Bush tax cuts; they have been in effect so long that they are now the tax rates and any efforts by Obama to change that is a tax increase not merely letting the Bush tax cuts run out). Secondly, although it is not being reported much, were issues like card-check, cap and trade, and what to do about the illegal aliens living inside our borders. With all this important stuff to talk about I wonder if we will be able to find common ground and play “nicety-nice?” I CERTAINLY HOPE NOT!
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Do you want to get along with him? I don't! |
We did not vote a change in Washington so that we could get along with ignorant left. We sent people there not expecting them to get along with the Washington establishment. I want to see “in your face politics” that demands a change that puts this country back to the values and morals that it was founded on. When George Washington cross the Delaware he was not looking for someone to hug, kiss and make nice to; he was looking to kill someone, he was looking for a way to through the bums out. Not that I am not advocating murder; but it is time to demand that the wishes of the people be heard and if the lefties don’t like it, tough! I don’t like them, they are a bunch of crooks and personally I don’t want to have anything to do with them and a Politician with any principles at all will not either.
I am sending this to every newly elected congressman hoping that he/she will get the message that we did not send you there to join the club; we sent you there to kill health-care bill, to kill cap and trade, to kill card check and to stop all of this bailout BS. Also, while you are at it we the people want all the illegal aliens sent back to their home countries and the border closed. We also want Muslim immigration stopped until every last terrorist is dead; nothing personal but until the so called peace loving moderate Muslims take up arms in defense of America they just don’t belong here.
I am sending this to every newly elected congressman hoping that he/she will get the message that we did not send you there to join the club; we sent you there to kill health-care bill, to kill cap and trade, to kill card check and to stop all of this bailout BS. Also, while you are at it we the people want all the illegal aliens sent back to their home countries and the border closed. We also want Muslim immigration stopped until every last terrorist is dead; nothing personal but until the so called peace loving moderate Muslims take up arms in defense of America they just don’t belong here.
Once again I want to make myself perfectly clear; you are not there to get along with Obama, Pelosi, Reid, or any other liberal. You are there to promote conservative values, period! Is that clear enough?
Amen and Amen. Well said and am glad you let your congressmen know your thoughts.