Recent polling tells us that about 30% of the electorate are Democrats (lefties), about 30% are Republicans, and about 40% claim to be independents or nothing. Different polling tells us that only about 10% of the population are those who hold to a true leftist ideology. So who are the rest of those that make up the Democratic party if they are not true left leaning liberals? Why do they vote Democratic? Do they really subscribe to liberal values (sorry, I know liberals don’t have any values but I couldn’t think of a different word; maybe ideals would have been a better word since values implies right and good)? Can we put these people into a sub-group that identifies who they are? I am sure you know someone who consistently votes with a liberal bias; therefore when you read what becomes visible as the motivation to support the liberal agenda, compare it to the liberals you know and see for yourself if what I say is not true. Then if you think it is true hand a copy of this to a liberal and run for your life.
First of all they (the lemmings of the world) are basically discontented; lemmings truly believe that life is inequitable and that anyone who has more things than they have has taken advantage of the capitalist economic system and therefore taken disadvantage them. The left uses this despondency to their benefit by propagating the morality of class envy. Class envy is divisive and if taken to its full expression will destroy a culture. The French revolution is a important example of class envy in action. They murdered many who were not part of the elite abusive ruling class, only because they had worked hard and had improve their life. The discontentment of the lemmings morphs into the rule that if I don’t have it, no one can have it.
Secondly, the discontent of the lemmings becomes an ”I am entitled mentality;” hence welfare. Those who are not truly left liberals but vote that way are for the most part people who want something for nothing. If you believe that the world has taken advantage of your laziness, then you will naturally feel that that same world owes you something; i.e. the fruits of its hard labor. A good example of that is Obama-care. When the lemmings thought it was free, i.e. paid for by hard workers through higher taxes, they were happy and looking forward to this great new entitlement; but now that they know everyone will have to pay a premium or be fined $3K it is not so good. Otherwise when something for nothing cost me personally I don’t like it because I have the right to it even if I have not earned it.
Third, lemmings are vicious in their attacks of anyone who does not concur with them; they will even eat their own if they don’t hold the line. The next time you tell a voting Democrat that healthcare is not a constitutional right stand back and take note to the expletives and personal attacks you will receive. You will be called uncaring, intolerant, greedy, a dirty capitalist, and a whole list of anything they can think of in the way of a demeaning personal attack. They will refuse to argue the issues and facts; the reason being they don’t know the issues or the facts. This is the most telling trait of the lemmings, they don’t know the facts because they are ignorant of the facts. The problem is not that they are stupid; rather they are ignorant because they are too indolent to discern for themselves and they go behind the pack by listening to the propaganda put out by the left media. They believe the propaganda because the misinformation is always built around the lie that the conservative right is out to get you. Don’t believe me; just listen to CNN or MSNBC for one evening and keep track of how many times they use the straw man that the right is taking something away from the lemmings, i.e. social security or Medicare etc.
Forth, the lemmings are convinced of their own integrity; they have bought into the idea that man is basically good and that any little thing they do will make the world a better place. They are the people who drive battery powered cars because they think it has a carbon free footprint, all the while forgetting that the electricity to charged the batteries comes from a coal fired power plant. They are the lemmings that picket to save the whales and at the same time insist on abortion on demand for human babies. They are the lemmings who believe it is not what good that is completed, but what good we want to be accomplished; the notion that it is what we think and talk about that is important, not what we actually achieve.
We could go on with describing who these people are; but the bottom line is this, they are lemmings, little rodents that can’t think for themselves and willingly run off the cliff with no comprehension of what they are doing. Paraphrasing the words of Lenin, “we need the ignorant lemmings because they keep us in power.”
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