I use to have a boss who said, “Some lie when telling the truth is easier.” The problem with a liar is that after he tells the lie so often he begins to believe it himself. He forgets what the truth looks like and begins to believe his own lie. The irony of a liar is that in his own deciet he begins to look at everyone else as being a deceiver as well; i.e. he sees the guilt of his own failings in every relationship he is involved in; if I am a liar then everyone else must be a liar also. It is interesting to note that one of our greatest liars of the modern era, FDR, said, “repetition does not transform a lie into a truth.” It is amazing how well FDR understood the folly of deciet, but was so greatly versed in it himself as he touted the wisdom of his policies. Lenin took the opposite view of lies when he said, “a lie told often enough becomes the truth.”
Just how prevelant is lying in our modern political scene? Does anyone think that our current cadre of politicains would dare lie to their constituents? Heaven forbid that our estemed leaders would ever lie. Forget that nonsense; ever since Bill Clinton came into the lime-light lying has become a unashamed art form that is not only prevalent but thought to be a good practice if it gains the intended means. Our current president and his administration as a group are professional liars; it began with “Change you can count on” and it will not end until he has convinced the uninformed masses that he is the “messiah.” In contrast the problem the media had with Obama’s predecessor was that he wasn’t a good liar. Jerome K. Jerome said, “it is always the best policy to speak the truth-unless, of course, you are an exceptinally good liar.” President Bush’s dilemma was that he always told the truth as he knew it no matter how bad it hurt; as if that could be a problem.
It is a well know fact that the left sees the poor stupid ignorant masses as someone who “can’t stand the truth” and must be lied to so that we will accept their “better ideas” on how to spend our money and control our lives. The paradox is that when they are caught in a lie, they then perpetrate another lie to cover the first lie and then they begin to believe that lie just as they now believed the first lie (I intentionly over used the word “lie” because they lie so often). The best example of this currently are the lies they are trying to pull off as to why they lost the House. The lie told has been anything but the truth. The most used lie has been that they were poor at getting the word out as to how good a job they were doing. That was followed by the lie that we just didn’t understand what they were doing. That lie is a continuation of Pelosi’s lie that we wouldn’t know how good Obamacare was until it was passed and signed. WOW! That was a whopper of a lie. Rush Limbaugh reported today that AOL’s religious reporter says the reason they lost the House was because our great religious leader, Obama, didn’t do a good enough job of sharing his faith with the Christian left (maybe he should have said religious left, I don’t think you can be a christian and be on the left, the two are in conflict to each other) and conservative Christians. I hasitate to explain the folly of this lie because I don’t want to insult your intelligence. However, the first lie here is that Obama is a Christian; he is not, he subscribs to Black Liberation Theology and that has no corolation with true Christianity. Second lie is that there are Christians on the left, you cannot be Christian and be a committed leftist, again I say this because they are in total opposition to one another; e.g. the left makes the claim that lying is ok if it brings about the desired ends, Christians don’t subscrib to lying for any reason. Of course the loss of the House by the Democrats has nothing to do with Obama’s faith or his willingness or unwillingness to reach out to Christians. Plato explains the lefts problem with lying and faith when he said this, “false words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil.”
Reasonable thinking people know exactly why the Dems lost the House; the policies of Obama, Pelosi, and Reid were not in the interest of the American people. Their policies are socialistic and go against everything that liberty loving people everywhere embrace. The simple truth is no one wanted Obamacare, no one wanted restrictive financial regulations and no one wanted to be lied to about what the Dems are up to.
Sallust (34 BC) in the “The War with Catiline” wrote this, “Ambition drove many men to become false; to have one thougth locked in the breast, another ready on the tongue.”
It is a shame that our politicians can't tell the truth so that we could make intelligent decisions when we go to vote. Maybe that is why they are always lying.