There are six words in a certain order that need to be removed from the English language; or at least removed from the repartee of the lefties, all politicians, and the liberal media is, “The fact of the matter is,” or “The truth of the matter is.” The fact of the matter is this is the most over used headliner that comes out of the mouth of those who think they are in the know, and it should be condemned with the penalty being death for anyone who would be so impudent as to use it. Let me explain.
First and foremost is the fact that whenever this phrase is used there is neither truth or facts that are going to be referred to. Be honest, when is the last time you heard a fact following that statement? When is the last time you were sure that you heard the truth just because some nipple headed politician preference his words with “the fact of the matter is?” Least we feel stupid, you can be sure that whenever some pundit on TV says those six magical words he is expecting you to believe what he says, “hook line and sinker.” The audacity of my hope would be that those elitist snobs would keep their mouth shut; or just tell the truth for a change. Their credibility is so suspect that they feel they must start their lie with the lie, “the fact of the matter is,” as if one lie plus another lie equals the truth. The truth of the matter is, if they were required to tell the truth or not be allowed to speak, TV would become the “silent movies.”
Secondly, what they are really saying when they use that damnable phrase is, “you are so stupid that you will believe anything that I tell because you know I am so very smart.” Question Mr. Elitist Snob, if you are so darn smart why is it that you use “the fact of the matter is” so redundantly (for you snubs, redundantly means to use so repetitively to the point of it being a nuance)? How can a Harvard graduate be so simple minded that he/she can’t come up with a new opener; something like, “I am a liar, but you should believe me anyway.” Or how about this opener, “I have lied so much in the past that I am no longer sure what the truth is, please give me one more chance to get it right, pretty please.”
Lastly, where is the TV host when these lying snubs open their mouth? When are they going to hold them accountable for their lying? Could it possibly be that they are party to this lack of discretion? Or could it be that they haven’t done their homework and they really don’t know when one of these phonies are lying? If that be the truth of the matter, then at least they could say this, “liar liar pants on fire, nose is long as a telephone wire.” If they would at least do this then we poor stupid masses would know that a lie is coming; after all, the fact of the matter is, we are not smart enough to know the difference ourselves; are we?
The fact of the matter is, if you pass this on maybe some sweet day in the future one of these nipple heads will read this and change his openers, or maybe even tell the truth; forget that, you and I both know that will never happen. Is that the truth of the matter or the fact of the matter? Oh well.
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